As you might remember Arogya Agam had a camp programme for HIV+ adolescent back in January. Yesterday we had a follow-up day with the same group. This time they discussed HIV challenges and stigma. The session in the pictures below was about stigma. Before one from the group would blindfolded find their way to the container named "stigma" with dirty water in with a cup of water in their hands the team had to answer a question about HIV. The point of the exercise was to show that when knowledge is increased stigma decreases. So the more water or knowledge they poured into the "stigma" the clearer it became and less stigma was left.
They also had an arts and crafts session where they made their own paintings. Overall it was a really fun day where they gained a lot of new knowledge.
What a clever and insightful exercise. And what a very worthwhile day by the sound of it .