Monday 1 December 2014

Federation flag

Sathiyavani, on the left, has designed Thanambikkai Children Federation flag. She presented the flag on Children's Rights day where she also explained the meaning and symbolism of the colours and the design. The blue colour symbolises self-confidence, which is also part of the federation's name. Thanambikkai means self-confidence in Tamil. This is an important part of the federation's work, when a society treats you as a second class citizen, discriminates and marginalises you because of your caste, self-confidence is an important asset! The white colour symbolises purity of their hearts because they want to work for all children's rights and fight any injustice they meet. The green colour stands for growth of the federation and the children. They want to blossom and grow like nature. Lastly, in the middle of the flag you see two joined hands and that is because they want to unite and stand up for children's rights together.

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